Optimising JSON parsing leads to wierd execution timings
xtreak via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Fri Mar 24 23:53:58 PDT 2017
Sorry for the double post. I have asked a question at
Stackoverflow regarding this :
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42992507/get-float-value-out-of-jsonvalue-in-dlang . I have a `rating` field that might have 3 which parses to JSONValue.integer or 3.4 which parses to JSONValue.floating and I need to use float. I was using exceptions that was causing the program to be slow as per the profile information. Now I have used an if clause as suggested by Adam in the answer. Though the execution time for the relevant function that used exceptions earlier reduced the program was still taking the same time.
So I profiled again and now the time for JSON parsing has
suddenly increased as per the profile. I thought it was due to
using .type and I returned a hardcoded number for the function
get_number and the time to write to terminal increased. I don't
know why reducing the time on one function leads to increase in
another function.
JSON file :
Compiler : ldc2 with -O3 and -release flags
Operating System : Mac OS (Early 2015 model) with 4GB RAM
Original program with exceptions :
import std.net.curl;
import std.exception;
import std.json;
import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.string;
auto fmt = "%35s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %15s";
auto value_fmt = "%35s | %10.2f | %10.0f | %10.2f | %15s";
void print_header() {
writefln(fmt, "Name", "Price", "Window", "Rating", "Type");
float get_number(T)(T item) {
float output = 0;
try {
output = to!float(item.integer);
} catch(Exception e) {
output = to!float(item.floating);
return to!float(output);
void print_item(T)(T item) {
writefln(value_fmt, item["Tvs"].str,
item["MinFare"].get_number(), item["WnSt"].get_number(),
void main() {
auto content = readText("sample.json");
auto parsed = parseJSON(content);
auto raw = parsed["SRD"][0]["RIN"][0]["InvList"].array;
auto filtered = raw.filter!(item =>
foreach(item; filtered) {
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