how to define my own traits

XavierAP via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Mar 27 14:18:31 PDT 2017

On Monday, 27 March 2017 at 16:28:13 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:
> Even Andrei was baffled:

I see... And Walter went further and reported it as a DMD bug 
(still open clearly).

It's what I mean. This strange behavior is more typical of C++, 
in D this is a rare corner case, but I can sympathize if Andrei 
and Walter don't want to accumulate issues like this one in the 
language, and on top of that fill the standard library and user 
code with this kind of workarounds.

First the solution is a hack, but ideally it wouldn't be needed, 
the original code should have worked with inout ranges all the 
same. So ideally DMD should be fixed to make the hack 
unnecessary. Andrei's proposal of deprecating inout entirely is 
also consistent at the expense of losing a feature.

When I first read about inout as a device to obviate code 
duplication typical in C++ const ref overloads, I liked it but I 
assumed it was implemented by lowering it into the actual 
duplicate overloads. Though I'm not even sure right now if such 
overloading is allowed in D.

I haven't tried if this happens with other compilers than DMD...

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