C++ namespace mangling: bug or me being stupid?
Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Tue Mar 28 08:54:08 PDT 2017
I'm trying to wrap a C++ library and have reduced my problem case
to the code below. I get a linker error due to different name
mangling (this is on Linux):
main.d:(.text._Dmain+0x13): undefined reference to
The C++ object file has instead a symbol called
_ZN3ns13ns212createStructERNS_7OptionsE. To make matters worse
and me more confused, according to https://demangler.com, they
both demangle to the same thing:
If you're wondering why there's two D files it's because trying
to do:
extern(C++, ns1) {... }
extern(C++, ns1.ns2) {...}
doesn't compile since there would be two D versions of ns1, which
is... mildly annoying.
I even took `const` off of the parameter in case that was the
problem but clearly not.
namespace ns1 {
struct Options {
struct Struct {
namespace ns2 {
ns1::Struct* createStruct(Options&) {
return nullptr;
extern(C++, ns1) {
struct Options {
struct Struct {
extern(C++, ns1.ns2) {
import header;
Struct* createStruct(ref Options);
void main() {
import header;
Options options;
auto s = createStruct(options);
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