Distinct "static" parent property contents for children

Timoses timosesu at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 11:07:57 UTC 2017

On Wednesday, 8 November 2017 at 17:46:42 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
> On Wednesday, 8 November 2017 at 17:38:27 UTC, Timoses wrote:
>> Are there better options/ways of achieving this?
> What are you actually trying to achieve? What are you using 
> these variables for?

Well, I have the following outline:

class File
     Section[] sections;
abstract class Section
     enum Part { Header, Content, Footer};
     SectionEntry[Part] entries;
class SectionEntry
     bool isComment;
     string[] lines;

And then I'd like to have somthing like predefined sections, e.g.:

class SectionTypeA : Section
.... // provide "static" information that is
      // always the same for this type of seciton
   // however, the Content part may vary

Are there more elegant ways of achieving this?

> My first thought is you should abandon the variable approach 
> and just use an abstract function that returns the value for 
> each child via overriding. It won't be static, but it also 
> won't take any per-instance memory.

Sounds like a good approach. I'll try this out for sure.

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