How to find the content of core.sys.* ?

Ryan Frame dlang at
Sat Oct 28 11:41:16 UTC 2017

On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 06:56:36 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
> On 17/05/2016 6:55 PM, chmike wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The nice and handy documentation of dlang doesn't provide any 
>> info on
>> the core.sys. How can I find out all the things that are in 
>> there ?

So is there a reason it's not being documented? I've got a 
deprecation message saying to switch from std.c.linux.linux to 

Generally I'd assume undocumented features mean "don't use this", 
or at least "use at your own risk" (I believe that's why 
deprecated features are removed from the docs before they're 
pulled from the code). It looks like doc comments are pretty 
sparse in core/sys - is that the only reason docs aren't being 

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