Container Array
Vino.B via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri Sep 8 09:24:45 PDT 2017
On Friday, 8 September 2017 at 15:48:47 UTC, Vino.B wrote:
> On Friday, 8 September 2017 at 12:14:46 UTC, Vino.B wrote:
>> On Friday, 8 September 2017 at 09:51:38 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>>> [...]
>> Hi Ali,
>> As stated earlier my release 1 code are still using
>> std.array, so now in release 2 i am converting all my standard
>> array to container array. My program has 5 function and I was
>> able to adopt 4 function to container array, and facing issue
>> with this 1 function. I would like to have all my function to
>> be neither in standard array nor in container array, more over
>> I am facing gc issue in standard array and this is the main
>> reason I would like to convert my function to container array,
>> as this function would find the size of folder which are
>> greater then a specified size in a 5 file system each with 10
>> TB, so i have added the thread(with Local storage) and
>> parallelism to my function as container array give's me the
>> option of reserving memory, so that i would bump it up as and
>> when it is required with any gc issues. All help to resolve
>> this issue would be appreciated.
>> Updated Code:
>> import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
>> import std.container;
>> import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir;
>> import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
>> import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
>> import std.parallelism: parallel;
>> import std.conv;
>> import std.range;
>> Tuple!(RangeT!(Array!string), RangeT!(Array!ulong))
>> coSizeDirList () {
>> string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
>> int SizeDir = 1;
>> ulong subdirTotal;
>> ulong subdirTotalGB;
>> Array!(string) Subdir;
>> Array!(ulong) Subsize;
>> Tuple!((Array!string), (Array!string)) Result;
>> auto dFiles = Array!string ((dirEntries(FFs,
>> SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir))[].map!(a =>;
>> foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
>> auto SdFiles = Array!ulong ((dirEntries(d,
>> SpanMode.depth)).map!(a => a.size));
>> foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f; }
>> subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024); { Subdir ~= d;
>> Subsize ~= subdirTotalGB; }
>> if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir)
>> subdirTotal = 0;
>> }
>> return tuple (Subdir[], Subsize[]);
>> }
>> void main () {
>> writeln(coSizeDirList[]);
>> }
>> From,
>> Vino.B
> Hi Ali,
> Was able to resolve the above issue but not sure whether it is
> correct and now i am getting the output as below, request your
> help.
> Output:
> C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\dir1, 34, C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\DND3,
> 1, C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\DND5, 5
> Required Output:
> C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\dir1 34
> C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\DND3 1
> C:\Temp\sapnas2\BACKUP\DND5 5
> Program:
> import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
> import std.container;
> import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir, isFile;
> import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
> import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
> import std.parallelism: parallel;
> import std.conv;
> import std.range;
> Array!string coSizeDirList () {
> string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
> int SizeDir = 1;
> ulong subdirTotal;
> ulong subdirTotalGB;
> Array!(string) Subsize;
> Array!string Result;
> auto dFiles = Array!string ((dirEntries(FFs,
> SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir))[].map!(a =>;
> foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
> auto SdFiles = Array!ulong(dirEntries(d,
> SpanMode.depth).map!(a => a.size));
> foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f; }
> subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024); { Result ~= d;
> Result ~= to!string(subdirTotalGB); }
> if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir)
> subdirTotal = 0;
> }
> return Result;
> }
> void main () {
> writefln("%-(%s, %)", coSizeDirList[]);
> }
> From,
> Vino.B
Hi Ali,
At last was able to resolve the issue including the output too,
thank you very much for your help, please let me know in case if
you find any issue with the below code.
import std.algorithm: filter, map, fold;
import std.container;
import std.file: SpanMode, dirEntries, isDir, isFile;
import std.stdio: File, writefln, writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.parallelism: parallel;
import std.conv;
import std.range;
string[][] coSizeDirList () {
string FFs = "C:\\Temp\\sapnas2\\BACKUP";
int SizeDir = 1;
ulong subdirTotal;
ulong subdirTotalGB;
Array!(string) Subsize;
string[][] Result;
auto dFiles = Array!string ((dirEntries(FFs,
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir))[].map!(a =>;
foreach (d; dFiles[]) {
auto SdFiles = Array!ulong(dirEntries(d,
SpanMode.depth).map!(a => a.size));
foreach(f; SdFiles[]) { subdirTotal += f; }
subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024);
if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) { Result ~= [[d] ~
[to!string(subdirTotalGB)]]; }
subdirTotal = 0;
return Result;
void main () {
writefln("%(%-(%-63s %)\n%)", coSizeDirList[]);
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