What does ! mean?

rikki cattermole rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Wed Sep 27 14:30:51 UTC 2017

There are two types of arguments in D. The runtime one (which you are 
well aware of) and the compile time one. A compile time argument is a 
constant passed in during construction of a symbol.

But here is the thing, it isn't just limited to functions, you can have 
it on classes as well.

class Foo(bool b) {
	bool get() { return b; }

void main() {
	Foo!true v = new Foo!true;

Same logic going on.

bool get(bool b)() {
	return b;

void main() {
	assert(get!true == true);

It can do more than a simple boolean being passed in, but that is the 
gist. Templates are wonderful (also read the spec!).

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