Is std.variant.visit not @nogc?

Paul Backus snarwin at
Mon Apr 9 15:59:32 UTC 2018

On Monday, 9 April 2018 at 07:07:58 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
> On Monday, 9 April 2018 at 07:02:50 UTC, Hasen Judy wrote:
>> IMO, this is one more reason why sum-types should be built 
>> into the language compiler, instead of being implemented in 
>> user-space.
> +1. Any time you have to "create" a fundamental feature in a 
> language... from inside the language itself... you're going to 
> have confusing error messages, and a huge uphill battle.

I agree in general, but in this case it's actually completely 
doable. In fact, I've done it myself: check out 'sumtype' on You can replace 'Algebraic' with 'SumType' and 
'visit' with 'match' in helxi's example, and everything Just 

import sumtype;

import core.stdc.stdio;

SumType!(T, string) fib_nth(T)(T n)
     return n % 15
                 ? n % 5
                     ? n % 3
                         ? SumType!(T, string)(n)
                         : SumType!(T, string)("Fizz")
                     : SumType!(T, string)("Buzz")
                 : SumType!(T, string)("Fizzbuzz");

void main() @nogc
     foreach (i; 1 .. 101)
             (string s) => printf("%s\n", s.ptr),
             (int n) => printf("%i\n", n)

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