Is using function() in templates possible at all?

Sjoerd Nijboer sjoerdnijboer at
Wed Apr 11 21:07:03 UTC 2018

I am trying to do a binary insert into my sorted array.
To sort classes and structs I would like to give a delegate `(t) 
=> t.myValue` to sort on that value whitout having to implement 
an interface or specifically declare opCmp for every class I want 
to have sorted.
After all, I might want one group of objects of a given class 
sorted in one way and another group of objects sorted on another 
way depending on the usecase.
In C# this is done by passing on a lambda in for instance a LinQ 
expression to sort such list after insertion, and is also usefull 
in other circumstances.

But is it possible in D to do something simular but then pass on 
this Function() during compile time?

something like
void main() { SortedList!(Vector3, (v) => v.y) list; }

struct Vector3 { float x, y, z; }

class SortedList(T, int function(T) comparer)
	T[] array;
	int foo(T t)
		for(int i = 0; i < array.lenght; i++)
			if(comparer(this.otherT) <=  comparer(t))
				//do stuff
				array[i] = t;

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