Getting the overload set of a template

Alex sascha.orlov at
Mon Apr 23 19:21:40 UTC 2018

On Monday, 23 April 2018 at 17:46:10 UTC, Arafel wrote:
> You could also argue that function overloads are just 
> semantically equivalent to a single function with variadic 
> arguments.

It is not. As there are exact known, distinct, finite numbers and 
types of arguments of functions, which can be used. For example, 
zero and one.


void foo(){}
void foo(int){}

How this is achievable with variadic functions?

> Whether the compiler actually lowers it like that or not should 
> be just an implementation detail, and thus simply not relevant.


> And from a syntactical point of view, it wouldn't make any 
> sense if the following "overloads" were treated differently:
> ```
> class A {
>     @("int", "odd")
> 	template Foo1(int N) if (N & 1)    {
>         enum Foo1 = "A";
>     }
>     @("int", "even")
> 	template Foo1(int N) if (!(N & 1))    {
>         enum Foo1 = "B";
>     }
>     @("string", "+")
> 	template Foo1(string op) if (op == "+") {
>         enum Foo1 = "C";
>     }
>     @("multi", "string")
> 	template Foo1(T...) if (allSatisfy!(isSomeString, typeof(T)) 
> && T.length > 1) {
>         enum Foo1 = "D";
>     }
>     @("multi", "double")
> 	template Foo1(T...) if (allSatisfy!(isFloatingPoint, 
> typeof(T)) && T.length > 1) {
>         enum Foo1 = "E";
>     }
> }
> ```

So, in my opinion, a callable object is overloaded, when there 
exist more then one interface how to call it.

Before a template is instantiated, no callable objects exist.

Now, you can go on say well, a template defines a family of 
objects, which build up an overload set. This is not doable, see 
the discussion before.

But of course, you can go the other way and say well, if there 
exist a declaration then, based on the declaration inspection, 
let us define an overload set, based on the same symbol names.

This is a different way of defining an overload, which is not 
obvious, especially if you see the pragma output from a former 
post. Therein the pragmas, which act also before runtime do not 
differ between declarations, but only between instantiations.

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