Possible bug in associative array implementation (and/or @safe checking)
Aaron D. Trout
atrout at chatham.edu
Thu Aug 16 16:51:34 UTC 2018
Hello all! I'm a mathematician at Chatham University in
Pittsburgh, PA (USA). I use D for research, and I'm a frequent
lurker on the forums. I think I found a bug, but I want to make
sure I'm not just doing something silly. (I'm happy to file a
bugzilla issue if it turns out to be a legitimate and previously
unknown bug.) Thanks in advance for the feedback.
Tested on 64-bit linux, DMD 2.080.0 and LDC 1.9.0.
import std.range, std.algorithm, std.conv, std.stdio;
// return a newly constructed immutable static array
immutable(int)[len] toImmutStaticArray(size_t len, R)(R range)
int[len] r;
copy(range, r[]);
return r;
void main() @safe
int[int[]] aaHeapKeys;
int[int[]] aaStackKeys;
int[int[2]] aaStaticKeys;
int[] setA = [2,3,5];
int[] setB = [2,4,3,9,5,25];
// range of ranges: [[5, 25], [2, 4], [3, 9]]
auto sets = setA.map!(j => setB.filter!(i => i % j == 0));
foreach(s; sets)
// insert using a slice of imuutable(int) on the heap as
the key
auto heapSlice = s.array.idup;
aaHeapKeys[heapSlice] = 0;
// insert using an identical slice of immutable(int) on
the stack
// as the key
auto buffer = s.toImmutStaticArray!2;
auto stackSlice = buffer[0 .. s.walkLength];
assert(stackSlice == heapSlice);
aaStackKeys[stackSlice] = 0;
// insert using the static array buffer as key
aaStaticKeys[buffer] = 0;
assert(aaHeapKeys == [[5, 25]:0, [2, 4]:0, [3, 9]:0]); // OK
// assert(aaStackKeys == [[5, 25]:0, [2, 4]:0, [3, 9]:0]);
assert(aaStaticKeys == [[5, 25]:0, [2, 4]:0, [3,
9]:0].to!(int[int[2]])); // OK
// Note that aaStackKeys seems corrupted. Printing out
// gives: [[5, 25]:0, [5, 25]:0, [5, 25]:0]
// aaStackKeys.writeln;
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