Auto keyword and when to use it

QueenSvetlana svetlanalilyrosemond at
Mon Aug 20 17:24:19 UTC 2018

I'm new to D programming, but have I have a background with 

I'm struggling to understand what the auto keyword is for and 
it's appropriate uses. From research, it seems to share the same 
capabilities as the var keyword in C#. From the C# documentation, 
it states:

... variables that are declared at method scope can have an 
implicit "type" var. An implicitly typed local variable is 
strongly typed just as if you had declared the type yourself, but 
the compiler determines the type.

Is the same true for auto? For example, if I have a class Person, 
I might have attributes such as FirstName, LastName which should 
obviously be strings but will D allow me to declare class level 
attributes with auto?

C# doesn't allow this.

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