Auto keyword and when to use it

Mike Parker aldacron at
Tue Aug 21 01:15:42 UTC 2018

On Monday, 20 August 2018 at 17:24:19 UTC, QueenSvetlana wrote:
> I'm struggling to understand what the auto keyword is for and 
> it's appropriate uses. From research, it seems to share the 
> same capabilities as the var keyword in C#.

auto is one of the most misunderstood understood features in D. 
By that I mean, everyone understands the effect of auto, but 
aren't always accurate in describing it.

In D, every variable must have a storage class. The automatic 
storage class is the default and is never specified in the 

int x = 10;

Other storage classes are const, immutable, and shared. These are 
also type constructors, so they become part of the type:

const int y = 11;      // type is const(int)
immutable int z = 12;  // type is immutable(int)
shared int s = 13;     // type is shared(int)

D allows the type to be dropped in declarations that include an 
initializer. In those cases, the type will be inferred:

const y = 11;      // type is const(int)
immutable z = 12;  // type is immutable(int)
shared s = 13;     // type is shared(int)

You can also drop the type in declarations with automatic 
storage, but `x = 10;` is not allowed as a variable declaration. 
You must include at minimum a type or a storage class. That's 
where auto comes in:

auto x = 10;  // type is int

So that's all it is. It's nothing special. It just means you're 
declaring a variable with the default storage class and want the 
compiler to infer the type.

So the question 'when should I use auto' is probably the wrong 
way to look at it. 'When should I use type inference' is a better 
way to frame it. And the answer to that is that there is no right 

I tend to use type inference liberally, almost always with 
const/immutbale locals, though I tend to use auto only when the 
type name is longer than four characters. For me, it's a nice way 
to save keystrokes. Some take a dim view of that approach and 
prefer to use it only when they actually require type inference. 
I mostly program alone, though, and I have a number of habits 
others may label 'bad', so I'm happy with my approach.

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