D need an ORM library!

binghoo dang dangbinghoo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 01:42:08 UTC 2018

On Monday, 20 August 2018 at 23:24:04 UTC, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
> On Monday, 20 August 2018 at 15:58:37 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
>> [...]
>> There are a number of things out there, but personally don't 
>> know there state or simplicity.
>> 2016 there was a talk: http://dconf.org/2016/talks/nowak.html
>> But personally I preferred this one: 
>> http://dconf.org/2016/talks/smith.html
>> https://github.com/cruisercoder/dstddb
> This all looks very dead. Is there any project still alive? The 
> only effort that still seems to be actively developed as far as 
> I can see is hunt-entity...
> And I agree, SQLAlchemy is pretty great!

yeah, Only entity is likely a living ORM implementation in D. 
But, it's API is too complicated, and API is not stable from my 

SQLAlchemy is very great, and I remember that <GSOC 2018 Ideas> 
in D wiki has mentioned this, but the status is "Proposed Project 
Mentors: TBA".

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