Cast to original type each argument in template pack

Alex sascha.orlov at
Tue Aug 21 14:15:24 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 08:08:58 UTC, Andrey wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a function:
>> string format(string pattern, T...)(T value)
>>    auto writer = appender!string();
>> writer.formattedWrite!pattern(convertToUnderlyingType(value)); 
>> //Tuple!T(value)!(OriginalType!T)
>>    return;
> The "value" in this function can be any type including "enum". 
> And if it is a "enum" I want to print it's contents not name.
> So what I need - check if current argument in template pack is 
> enum then convert it in original type. If current argument 
> isn't enum - leave it as is. In my example I showed it with 
> imaginary function "convertToUnderlyingType".
> How to implement it in D?

Do you mean something like this:

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.range;
import std.format;
import std.meta;

enum E
	A = "a",
	B = "b"
void main()
	format!"%s %s"("kuku", E.A).writeln;

string format(string pattern, T...)(T vals)
     auto writer = appender!string();


template convertToUnderlyingType(T...)
	alias convertToUnderlyingType = 
staticMap!(convertToUnderlyingTypeSingle, T);

auto convertToUnderlyingTypeSingle(alias value)()
	static if(is(typeof(value) == enum))
		return cast(OriginalType!(typeof(value)))value;
		return value;

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