saving std.random RNG state

Neia Neutuladh neia at
Tue Dec 18 01:18:48 UTC 2018

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 22:20:54 +0000, harfel wrote:
> I am looking for a way to serialize/deserialize the state of the
> std.random.Random number generator, ideally using orange
> ( or another serialization
> library. From looking at the module source code, I understand how to
> seed a random number generator with the state of another, but I do find
> a way to access the RNG's state, since it is hidden away in a private
> attribute. What is the recommended solution for this? Thanks in advance!

The .tupleof field allows you to access private members. This behavior 
might eventually change, but probably not without a long deprecation 

If the struct stores everything by value:


If you have typeinfo available, you can check if the thing has pointers 
with `(typeof(rng).flags & 1) == 0`. There's probably an equivalent in 
std.traits that works at compile time.

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