using dub to compile plugins

Atila Neves atila.neves at
Fri Dec 21 10:56:39 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 19 December 2018 at 12:57:14 UTC, Codifies wrote:
> I am currently using this dub.sdl
> name        "runz80"
> targetType  "executable"
> lflags      "libz80/libz80.a"
> however I will be creating a number of plugins, each plugin 
> will consist of a single source file, I'd like the plugin 
> source directory to be separate from main source directory and 
> compile the plugins (.so) to a (binary) plugins directory
> (the plugins will be dynamically loaded at runtime - I've 
> previously done this in C so I don't anticipate any particular 
> issues - famous last words!)
> I could do this with a few simple rules in a Makefile, but I 
> have no clue how to achieve this using dub.
> can someone show me a concrete example of doing this ? Ideally 
> just dropping a new source file into the plugins source folder 
> should produce a new .so the next time dub is run, without 
> having to explicitly add each plugin to the dub file...

Unless the plugins have dub dependencies, don't use dub for it. 
Plugins that do can have their own dub.sdl/json with targetType 

> Ideally just dropping a new source file into the plugins source 
> folder should produce a new .so the next time dub is run, 
> without having to explicitly add each plugin to the dub file...

I don't see how you can do this with dub, and I wouldn't attempt 
it either. Just use make, and have make call dub for the main 
project (and potentially any plugins that need it). Remember to 
make the dub targets `.PHONY` since you don't want to be managing 
the D dependencies by hand.

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