Why can't or shouldn't I just hash the address of an object? And how.

Enjoys Math enjoysmath at gmail.com
Sun Dec 30 15:42:32 UTC 2018

On Sunday, 30 December 2018 at 05:54:05 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Dec 2018 05:36:41 +0000, Enjoys Math wrote:
>> Is it:
>> typeof(T).getHash(&o)?
> This gets the hashcode for the object by calling toHash() on it.
>> Or does that do something other than just get the address?
> It XORs the address with a bitwise rotation of the address. 
> This reduces collisions since objects are allocated aligned.
> As for your larger problem, I'd strongly tend toward using a 
> database to hold application state instead of keeping it in 
> memory.

Thanks, mon!  :D

I have decided to use long databaseID's everywhere, so that will 
fix that issue.  I can key an AA easily by a long.

I am building the database myself, I already evaluated each graph 
database out there, and for some reasons or others they don't 
suit our needs.  So I'm doing a very custom database, not one I 
can re-use or distribute.  It's just for commutative diagrams (in 
math) and my app called ZoomSpace.

It is really fun to code this thing.  I am making it super 
efficient by doing the label matching with a Trie (my regexes are 
very simple).

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