Generic Property Implementation
Simen Kjærås
simen.kjaras at
Tue Feb 20 15:34:46 UTC 2018
On Tuesday, 20 February 2018 at 14:34:53 UTC, bauss wrote:
> Would there be a reason why this wouldn't be a good
> implementation?
What is the intended use case for this? The main feature seems to
be an ability to have read-only members, which is nice. Are there
other benefits?
> If so what and how could it be improved?
> Are there flaws in an implementation like this?
> bool opEquals(T other)
Why not use the default == implementation? It's supposed to do
the right thing. Yours will fail for structs and classes. Since
you're using alias this, it shouldn't even be necessary to
implement opEquals - the right one should be called automagically.
> static if (!(isArray!T) && !(isAssociativeArray!T))
> {
> int opCmp(T other)
This will give unexpected errors when comparing structs or
classes that don't overload opCmp. Better to replace the static
if with is(typeof(T.init < T.init)), or better yet,
Also, it's not necessary - alias this ensures that the correct
opCmp function is called.
> string toString()
Why not use for everything in here? Its
implementors probably have thought of many more corner cases than
you have. There is an argument to be made for compile-time
overhead, I guess.
So, my version of the same:
struct Property(T, bool readOnly = false)
private T _value;
static if (readOnly)
T __GET() { return _value; }
ref T __GET() { return _value; }
alias __GET this;
string toString()
import std.conv : to;
One more thing: while you provided some very nice examples of how
to use the type, it would be nice to have these more test-like.
Something like this:
auto foo = new Foo;
foo.baz = "Hello";
// Check that value was set correctly:
assert(foo.baz == "Hello");
// You can even check if something will compile:
assert(!__traits(compiles, = 24));
Sorry if this came off a bit crass - I don't understand when I
should use it, so it's hard to give feedback on that.
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