Understanding the AST...

joe joe at example.com
Thu Feb 22 13:55:07 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 22 February 2018 at 13:44:51 UTC, RazvanN wrote:
> On Thursday, 22 February 2018 at 13:21:04 UTC, joe wrote:
>> [...]
> Indeed, @Stefan is right. The ParseTimeVisitor only contains 
> information available at parse time. If you are interested in 
> the parent you have 2 options: either (1) use the 
> ParseTimeVisitor and implement the AST traversal logic yourself 
> or (2) you can use the SemanticTimeTransitiveVisitor in which 
> case the parent is not going to be null. In the case of (2) you 
> need to also do some semantic analysis (so you need the whole 
> dmd library, not just the parsing one). Here's an example on 
> using the dmd library (including semantic) [1]. You can copy 
> paste that example and add a few lines of code where you 
> instantiate your visitor (which will inherit 
> SemanticTimeTransitiveVisitor).
> [...]

awesome, that helps a lot!

Thanks both of you :)

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