mixed in struct constructor is ignored when another (non mixed in) constructor is specified

ParticlePeter ParticlePeter at gmx.de
Mon Feb 26 14:38:22 UTC 2018

On Monday, 26 February 2018 at 14:02:56 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Monday, 26 February 2018 at 12:30:24 UTC, ParticlePeter 
> wrote:
>> Is this expected behavior?
> yes sort of, but there are bugs associated with it too...
> I wrote about this in the "Tip of the Week" section here before 
> http://arsdnet.net/this-week-in-d/2016-feb-07.html
> there's a workaround there and a bit more explanation of 
> weirdness.

This cool, I didn't know that we can name mixins when 
instantiating but also never taught that there could be any 
purpose for naming. Works, thanks.

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