Help optimizing UnCompress for gzipped files

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Tue Jan 2 13:57:30 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 2 January 2018 at 11:22:06 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
> You can make it much faster by using a sliced static array as 
> buffer.

Only if you want data corruption! It keeps a copy of your pointer 

It also will always overallocate new buffers on each call 

There is no efficient way to use it. The implementation is 
substandard because the API limits the design.

If we really want a fast std.zlib, the API will need to be 
extended with new functions to fix these. Those new functions 
will probably look a LOT like the underlying C functions... which 
is why I say just use them right now.

> I suspect that most of the slowdown is caused by the gc.
> As there should be only calls to the gzip library

plz measure before spreading FUD about the GC.

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