How do I use ncurses library with D? are there any wrapper?

Jonathan M Davis newsgroup.d at
Wed Jan 3 16:55:44 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, January 03, 2018 15:47:58 Marc via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Long time ago, IIRC, I read somewhere there was a ncurses for D
> but now I can't find it are there any wrapper or am I mistaken?
> anyway, I'm doing it from scratch and not porting anything so
> even a library with same functionality as ncurses for D is
> welcome.

There appear to be two which might be of use (maybe three, but the one
called sf sounds more like it's using it than providing a wrapper or

IIRC, I have a project which uses the one called ncurses so that it could
take a password at the command-line without showing it.

- Jonathan M Davis

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