Passing a reference to a returned reference

Michael michael at
Fri Jul 6 15:14:01 UTC 2018

On Friday, 6 July 2018 at 14:50:39 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> On 07/06/2018 07:36 AM, Michael wrote:
> > but not in
> > my case, if this is a weird edge-case with setter member
> functions?
> This is all very interesting but I'm dying to see the code. :) 
> Can you change Timoses's code to demonstrate your case?
> Ali

I'm just trying to do that now.

Here is what I have in terms of code:

class Agent
         double[int] mDict;

     // Setter: copy
     void beliefs(ref double[int] dict)
         import std.stdio : writeln;
         writeln("Setter function.");
         this.mDict = dict;

     // Getter
     auto ref beliefs()
         return this.mDict;

class Operator
     static auto ref create()
         double[int] dict;
         dict[2] = 1.0;
         dict[1] = 0.0;
         return dict;

     import std.stdio : writeln;

     Agent a = new Agent();

     a.beliefs = Operator.create();
     assert(a.beliefs.keys.length == 2);


and here is the output WITH "ref" in beliefs's signature before 
double[int] dict:

➜  dempshaf git:(master) ✗ rdmd -I../ -unittest -main bug_test.d
[2:1, 1:0]

and without "ref":

➜  dempshaf git:(master) ✗ rdmd -I../ -unittest -main bug_test.d
Setter function.
[2:1, 1:0]

I'm surprised it's showing the correct value of the associative 
array, but hopefully this shows my point that it's not printing 
for some reason, when the parameter is ref.

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