HMAC and toHexString

Nicholas Wilson iamthewilsonator at
Wed Jul 18 05:54:48 UTC 2018

string key = "blahblahblah";
auto mac = hmac!SHA256(key.representation);
string s = ...,t=...u=...,v=...;
ubyte[32] s = mac.finish;
string sig = toHexString!(LetterCase.lower)(s);

// From what I understand Should print something like 
// Actually prints something like x"31 36 39 33 39 32 38 31 62 38 
31 62 36 36 62 63 63 34 63 36 36 61 62 32 34 37 64 32 64 34 61 00 
78 2A 55 5B FF 7F 00 00 78 2A 55 5B FF 7F 00 00 E0 2A 55 5B FF 7F 
00 00 08 2C 55 5B FF 7F 00 00"c
Note the nuls and things like FF

What am I doing wrong here?

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