Dlangui customize app icon on dock or menu bar

rikki cattermole rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Thu Jul 26 04:43:35 UTC 2018

On 26/07/2018 6:13 AM, Jacob Shtokolov wrote:
> On Wednesday, 25 July 2018 at 09:42:00 UTC, Ivo wrote:
>> I'm a macOs user and I need to build a application with a GUI.
> Not sure if the author of the DLangUI is visiting this forum so often to 
> be able to answer.
> If you won't get an answer in the next few days, I would recommend to 
> make an issue in the DLangUI repo: https://github.com/buggins/dlangui

Doesn't matter if he does, this isn't an issue for DLangUI. It's a 
fairly generic one related to OSX.

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