Small program producing binary with large filesize

Seb seb at
Tue Jul 31 21:11:32 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 31 July 2018 at 15:19:19 UTC, Dan Barbarito wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am starting to write a command line tool. So far it is a 
> small (feature-wise) program but the file size is scaring me. 
> It's already 13 megabytes, but I would expect it to be much 
> smaller. Is it because I'm using 3 libraries so far? The 
> libraries are: mir, vibe.d, and d2sqlite3. Would using these 
> libraries be causing this file size?
> The code can be found here 
> (, if anyone 
> wants to take a look. I am simply running "dub build" to build 
> the binary. I tried running "dub build --build=release" but 
> that didn't effect the file size too much.
> Thanks!

If you use LDC, release build and their full LTO (-flto=full), 
the resulting binary should get smaller.

DFLAGS="-flto=full" dub build --compiler=ldc -b release

As an example, dlang-tour is 53M in debug build with DMD, but 
with LTO + release + ldc it gets down to 6.2M.

You also get a smaller build, if instead of using all of Vibe.d, 
you only use the subset of components you actually use, e.g.

dependency "vibe-d:web" version="~>0.8"

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