Confusion/trying to understand CTFE keywords

jmh530 john.michael.hall at
Thu Jun 7 11:31:13 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 6 June 2018 at 22:19:58 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Wednesday, June 06, 2018 18:18:16 jmh530 via 
> Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
>> On Monday, 4 June 2018 at 03:18:05 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> > [snip]
>> >
>> > If you haven't yet, I'd suggest reading
>> Would make a good blog series?
> What would make a good blog series? Something talking about 
> - Jonathan M Davis

I meant that stuff describing the nuances and motivations between 
static/enum/etc. Maybe more tutorial or something on the wiki 
than blog series? It's the type of thing that isn't obvious to 
someone new to D, but you explain very well. Better to save it in 
some place easy to find than let it get buried in Learn.

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