string object won't compile

askjfbd icadraic9 at
Tue Mar 6 00:55:00 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 6 March 2018 at 00:18:14 UTC, psychoticRabbit wrote:
> On Monday, 5 March 2018 at 23:34:50 UTC, askjfbd wrote:
>> Someone please tell me how, for I am a newbie and don't know 
>> any solutions even to this very simple problem. As I learned 
>> dlang using the Dlang tour page, I stuck at the alias & 
>> Strings page. I have tried to compile the following simple 
>> code many times but still get the same error both from dmd and 
>> gdc. They both say that...
> This is mistake I made too, when i began using D.
> I quickly got into the habit of putting
> module test;
> at the beginning of every file I create, unless I determine a 
> better module name.
> Actually, I wrote my own IDE, so it does that for me whenever I 
> select a new D file.
> Personally, I think that is one of the first things newcomers 
> need to learn about - modules.
> -------------
> "Modules have a one-to-one correspondence with source files. 
> The module name is, by default, the file name with the path and 
> extension stripped off, and can be set explicitly with the 
> module declaration."
> "Modules automatically provide a namespace scope for their 
> contents."
> ------------

Thank you. I will learn about modules from now on. I thought I 
was right until you two replied to me. ;) Can you make your own 
IDE? That's great! If it were OpenSource, I would gladly download 
it for myself to avoid this sort of annoying experience. Thanks.

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