Build an AliasSeq from memberFunction return types

Timoses timosesu at
Fri Mar 9 17:47:46 UTC 2018


I feel like starting to dig deeper into D. And I got lost : D.

I would like to reflect on defined bitfields:

    struct S
          <bitfieldType>, <bitfieldName>, <size>,

which produces something like this in the back scenes:

    struct S
       uint storage;

       @property <bitfieldType> <bitfieldName>() {
          ... return field from storage;

There is an approach here:$15f3$
However, it feels a bit overcomplicating the issue perhaps.

To retrieve the member names the following (and filtering for 
only the functions) does the job:

    alias members = aliasSeqOf!([__traits(allMembers, S)]);

However, I now would want to build an AliasSeq of the types. My 
idea would be (absolute pseudocode!!!):

    alias memberTypes;
    static foreach (member; members)
       memberTypes ~= ReturnType!S.member;

    pragma(msg, memberTypes); // prints sth like: (int, bool, 
uint, ...)

I have taken a look at but 
am unsure whether I can actually build an AliasSeq iteratively.

The mentioned example might help:
    alias TL = AliasSeq!(int, double);
    alias Types = AliasSeq!(TL, char);
    static assert(is(Types == AliasSeq!(int, double, char)));

However, I can't simply do

    static foreach (i, member; members)
       alias memberTypes_i = AliasSeq!
          (memberTypes_i, ReturnType!S.<member>) // <--- no idea 
even how to get
                                                 // the ReturnType 
                                                 // S.member does 
not work
    alias memberTypes = AliasSeq!(memberTypes_i_max);

But what the heck! I can't find a solution!
This might be related to:

Do you have any ideas? Or does your head start spinning like mine 
does, too?

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