string to hex convert
Ali Çehreli
acehreli at
Thu Mar 29 21:53:21 UTC 2018
On 03/29/2018 02:23 PM, Cym13 wrote:
> On Thursday, 29 March 2018 at 20:29:39 UTC, aerto wrote:
>> how i can convert Hello world! to hex 48656c6c6f20776f726c6421 ??
> Maybe something like:
> void main() {
> // Those look like lots of imports but most of those are very
> common anyway
> import std.digest: toHexString;
> import std.stdio: writeln;
> string s = "Hello world!";
> (cast(ubyte[]) s) // We want raw bytes...
> .toHexString // ...convert them to hex...
> .writeln; // ...and print.
> }
For fun, here's a lazy version that uses a table. Apparently,
toHexString does not use a table. I'm not measuring which one is faster.
:) (Note: toHexString allocates memory, so it wouldn't be a fair
comparison anyway.)
string asHex(char i) {
import std.string : format;
import std.algorithm : map;
import std.range : iota, array;
enum length = char.max + 1;
static const char[2][length] hexRepresentation =
iota(length).map!(i => format("%02x", i)).array;
return hexRepresentation[i];
unittest {
assert(0.asHex == "00");
assert(128.asHex == "80");
assert(255.asHex == "ff");
auto asHex(string s) {
import std.string : representation;
import std.algorithm : map, joiner;
unittest {
import std.algorithm : equal;
assert("Hello wörld!".asHex.equal("48656c6c6f2077c3b6726c6421"));
void main() {
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