Can't read a constant value in compile time?

Adnan contact.adnan.02 at
Tue Nov 20 18:54:58 UTC 2018


When I write `something!(aNumber)()` and if a number is an 
immutable/enum it should be able to be read at compile time, 
right? Why is this different?

auto fizzbuzz(uint N)() {
     static string accumulate;
     return fizzbuzz!N(accumulate);

auto fizzbuzz(uint N)(ref string result) if (N % 3 && N % 5) {
     import std.conv : to;

     result ~=!string ~ "\n";
     return fizzbuzz!(N - 1)(result);

auto fizzbuzz(uint N)(ref string result) if (!(N % 15)) {
     result ~= "FizzBuzz\n";
     return fizzbuzz!(N - 1)(result);

auto fizzbuzz(uint N)(ref string result) if (!(N % 3) && N % 5) {
     result ~= "Fizz\n";
     return fizzbuzz!(N - 1)(result);

auto fizzbuzz(uint N)(ref string result) if (!(N % 5) && N % 3) {
     result ~= "Buzz\n";
     return fizzbuzz!(N - 1)(result);

auto fizzbuzz(uint N : 0)(ref string result) {
     return result;

void main() {
     import std.stdio : writeln;

     enum lmao = fizzbuzz!50();


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