handling shared objects

Alex sascha.orlov at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 14:00:14 UTC 2018

Hi all!
Can somebody explain to me, why the example below is not working 
in a way I'm expecting it to work?

My example is a little bit longer this time, however the half of 
it is taken from

import std.experimental.all;

struct D
	size_t d;
	static S s;
struct S
	D[] data;

struct Model
	auto ref s()
		return D.s;

	void run()
		"I'm running".writeln;

Model m;

void main()
	D.s.data.length = 4;
	m.run; //4

	auto childTid = spawn(&runner, thisTid);
	send(childTid, 0);

static void runner(Tid ownerTid)
	receive((size_t dummy){
		import core.thread : Thread;
         // Send a message back to the owner thread
         // indicating success.
         send(ownerTid, true);

The idea is:
the model is something that I can declare deliberately in the 
application. And, I assumed that if it is (globally) shared, then 
so are all compartments of it, even if they are not explicitly 
part of the model.

Some problems arose:
1. Obviously, this is not the case, as the output is different, 
depending on the thread I start the model function.
2. If I declare the model object inside the main, the compiler 
aborts with the message "Aliases to mutable thread-local data not 
3. If I mark the S instance as shared, it works. But I didn't 
intend to do this... Is this really how it meant to be?

As I'm writing the model object as well as all of its 
compartments, I can do almost everything... but what I to avoid 
is to declare the instances of compartments inside the model:
They are stored locally to their modules and the single elements 
of them have to know about the compound objects, like with the D 
and S structs shown.

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