dip1000 issue

Orfeo orfeo.davia at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 14:04:47 UTC 2018

I wanted to highlight a problem that drove me crazy.

I've a project that link FuzzyCopy [1], that was compiled without 
So I add FuzzyCopy library [1], I update dmd, then:

$ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.082.0
Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights 
Reserved written by Walter Bright

$ dub build --verbose
/usr/bin/dmd -dip1000 -dip25 -c 
-of.dub/build/application-debug-linux.posix-x86_64-dmd_2082-C9F52D2A0CA0970ECB75169BD9B6C34D/jan.o -debug -g -w -version=VibeDefaultMain -version=VibeUseOpenSSL11 ..... -vcolumns
.dub/build/application-debug-linux.posix-x86_64-dmd_2082-C9F52D2A0CA0970ECB75169BD9B6C34D/ jan executable

/usr/bin/dmd failed with exit code -11.

after losing a lot of time, I realized that the problem was 
`-dip1000`: in FuzzyCopy dub is written:
"dflags": ["-dip1000", "-dip25"],
If I remove it all works like a charm.

So, is it  correct that my project inherits settings of another 
And why (maybe a silly question) `-dip1000`dip1000  my project so 
badly without warning..

Thank you

- [1] https://github.com/burner/FuzzyCopy
- [2] https://github.com/burner/FuzzyCopy/blob/master/dub.json

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