D threading and shared variables

Mike Wey mike-wey at example.com
Sun Apr 7 17:52:40 UTC 2019

On 07-04-2019 16:49, Archie Allison wrote:
> The codebase is a reasonable size so too big (and proprietary) to share.
> It's always run with a GUI (GTKD), it's just the difference in linking 
> so launching (a)GUI + attached console for stdout.writeln vs. (b)just 
> the GUI window. There's nothing I'd expect to cause races or deadlocks.

How are you using the GUI, GTK is not thread safe, all gui function 
calls should be made from the GUI thread.

Last time i checked threadsEnter and threadsLeave didn't work properly 
on windows.

Mike Wey

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