gtkDcoding Blog Post # 26 - Menu Basics

number putimalitze at
Sat Apr 13 09:49:47 UTC 2019

On Saturday, 13 April 2019 at 00:25:21 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:
> On Friday, 12 April 2019 at 13:56:51 UTC, number wrote:
>> Are you planning to cover messagebox-like stuff (i.e. 
>> gtkdialog.. i guess?)
> Yes. Right after this series on menus, I start on Dialogs. The 
> first couple of those are already in the grist mill 
> (HelpDialog, FileChooserDialog) giving that series five 
> articles so far. But I'll put MessageDialog next on the list 
> which means it'll be posted on May 31st.

I'm asking because there was discussion elsewhere on the net 
about another programming language where a [gtk] messagebox title 
was too long so the text could not be read completely because the 
messagebox sized itself to the shorter text in the content area. 
They said it's an OS limitation (meaning gtk standard dialogs). 
It also seems dialogs are not user-resizable by default, which 
seems strange to me. So I thought to roll my own dialog, but 
didn't get to it yet.
I also wonder why I often encounter gtk apps/windows that are 
unresizable, but still have the resize-icon cursor when hovering 
the bottom-right window edge, which when used moves the window 

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