How to mixin finction name?

Andrey saasecondbox at
Sun Apr 14 10:07:30 UTC 2019

I want to do something like this:
> void main()
> {
>     enum letters = ['A', 'B', 'C'];
>     static foreach(ch; letter)
>     {
>      	  void mixin("print" ~ ch)(uint i)
>         {
>          	writeln(ch, " - ", i);
>         }
>     }
>     printB(6);
> }

Create some function in loop and use it. But I don't know how to 
mixin names?

> onlineapp.d(59): Error: no identifier for declarator void
> onlineapp.d(59): Error: found i when expecting . following uint
> onlineapp.d(59): Error: found ) when expecting identifier 
> following uint.
> onlineapp.d(60): Error: found { when expecting ,
> onlineapp.d(61): Error: found ; when expecting ,
> onlineapp.d(62): Error: expression expected, not }
> onlineapp.d(63): Error: found } when expecting ,
> onlineapp.d(65): Error: found ; when expecting ,
> onlineapp.d(66): Error: expression expected, not }
> onlineapp.d(67): Error: found End of File when expecting ,
> onlineapp.d(67): Error: found End of File when expecting )
> onlineapp.d(67): Error: found End of File when expecting ;
> onlineapp.d(67): Error: found End of File when expecting } 
> following compound statement
> onlineapp.d(67): Error: found End of File when expecting } 
> following compound statement

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