Adam D. Ruppe's Minigui using example

Andre Pany andre at
Sat Aug 17 21:08:08 UTC 2019

On Saturday, 16 January 2016 at 03:14:01 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Saturday, 16 January 2016 at 01:27:32 UTC, Andre Polykanine 
> wrote:
>> Does anyone have an actual example of, say, a simple form with 
>> a set of radio buttons or check boxes to start with?
>> Thanks in advance!
> Sort of. I still haven't used it in a real world program so it 
> isn't complete but here's one of my test programs:
> ---
> import arsd.minigui;
> void main() {
>         auto window = new MainWindow();
>         auto exitAction = new Action("E&xit");
>         exitAction.triggered ~= { window.close(); };
>         window.statusTip = "D ROX!";
>         auto button = new Checkbox("Uses D!", window);
>         button.isChecked = true;
>         auto hlayout = new HorizontalLayout(window);
>         auto gb = new Fieldset("Type", hlayout);
>         auto gb2 = new Fieldset("cool", hlayout);
>         auto boxlol1 = new Radiobox("Test", gb);
>         auto boxlol2 = new Radiobox("Test2", gb2);
>         auto boxlol3 = new Radiobox("Test", gb);
>         auto boxlol4 = new Radiobox("Test2", gb2);
>         auto group = new MutuallyExclusiveGroup();
>         group.addMember(new Radiobox("Heavyweight", gb));
>         auto btn = group.addMember(new Radiobox("Small 
> library", gb));
>         btn.isChecked = true;
>         btn.statusTip = "205 KB exe on Windows";
>         //auto spinner = new Spinner(window);
>         ComboboxBase cb = new DropDownSelection(window);
>         cb.addOption("test");
>         cb.addOption("cool");
>         cb.setSelection(1);
>         //cb.addEventListener("changed", (Event ev) {
>                 //auto bm = new MessageBox("changed " ~ 
> cb.options[cb.selection]);
>         //});
>         // FIXME: adding this to gb2 instead of window causes 
> wtf stuff
>         cb = new ComboBox(window);
>         cb.addOption("test");
>         cb.addOption("cool");
>         cb.setSelection(1);
>         cb = new FreeEntrySelection(window);
>         cb.addOption("test");
>         cb.addOption("cool");
>         cb.setSelection(1);
>         auto lineEdit = new LineEdit(window);
>         auto menu = new MenuBar();
>         auto fileMenu = new Menu("&File");
>         auto exitButton = fileMenu.addItem(new 
> MenuItem(exitAction));
>         menu.addItem(fileMenu);
>         window.loop();
> }
> ---
> On Windows, it uses the native controls, so it should work 
> reasonably well, though on Linux it does its own thing and is 
> far from complete.
> BTW simplewindow doesn't seem to compile on newest dmd because 
> of the new so I'll have to update that 
> if you're on the newest release...

While searching for a minigui example in Google, you likely will 
find this old outdated example. Therefore I answer this very old 
post. Here a new example from Adam:

module menutest;
import arsd.minigui;

struct Info {
	string name;
	string email;

class MyWindow : MainWindow {
	this() {
		super("Menu Demo", 250, 400);
		statusTip = "gnarley";
		textEdit = new TextEdit(this);
		auto hl = new HorizontalLayout(this);
		auto btn = new Button("test", hl);
		auto btn2 = new Button("test", hl);

		btn.addEventListener("click", () {
			messageBox("You clicked");

		btn2.addEventListener(EventType.triggered, () {
			dialog!Info((info) {
				import std.conv;
				textEdit.content = to!string(info);

		textEdit.content = "generic content here";

	TextEdit textEdit;

	@menu("File") {
		void New() {
			textEdit.content = "";
		void Open() {
			getOpenFileName( (string s) {
				//import std.file;
				//textEdit.content = (readText(s));
			} );
		void Save() @accelerator("Ctrl+S") { getSaveFileName( (string 
s) {} ); }
		void SaveAs() {}
		void Exit() @accelerator("Alt+F4") { this.close(); }

	@menu("Edit") {
		void Undo() {}
		void Redo() {}
		void Cut() {}
		void Copy() {}
		void Paste() {}

	@menu("Help") {
		void Topics() {}
		void About() {}

void main() {
	auto window = new MyWindow();

Kind regards

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