Pro programmer

GreatSam4sure greatsam4sure at
Mon Aug 26 12:02:12 UTC 2019

On Monday, 26 August 2019 at 08:50:29 UTC, Chris wrote:
> On Monday, 26 August 2019 at 06:46:04 UTC, GreatSam4sure wrote:
>> What is the path of becoming very good at programming? Which 
>> language will one start with.
> Often it's the language that best solves the problem at hand 
> for you, but it really depends on what you want to achieve. For 
> fast scripting and modelling maybe Python would be a good 
> choice. But Python can be a dead end when it comes to 
> performance etc. If you want to develop apps for Android/iOS 
> you're better off using Java or better still Kotlin (Android) 
> and Swift (iOS). You should always decouple the business logic 
> of your app from the UI. So you can write code in C/C++ or D 
> and later link it to any UI. Anyway, always think of where you 
> want to go, e.g. portability / cross-platform and see what best 
> suits you. If you wanna go mobile use a language that runs on 
> mobile platforms like Android and iOS. If you want to write for 
> desktop or server only you have more choices. Unfortunately, 
> Android/iOS support for D leaves much to be desired.
>> I have some real-world situation I want to model but I am at a 
>> loss as to how to start. For instance, I do one build a GUI 
>> framework like adobe spark, javafx,etc with minimum dependency 
>> or no dependency from the ground up.
>> The lack of easily customizable, platform native GUI in D is a 
>> real concern to me but I don't have the expertise to do it.
> There is DlangUI: Check it 
> out. And there are D bindings to other UI frameworks.
>> Where is the starting point of doing such amazing thing?
> The truth of the matter is that you only know after years of 
> programming what you need and what you don't need. As you get 
> wiser you become less excited about the latest fancy feature of 
> language X. Basically all languages have similar core features 
> to model the world and solve problems (hash maps, arrays, 
> structs, classes etc.) Just start to write programs that solve 
> problems and enjoy...
>> Thanks for your reply

Thanks, I have check dlangui, it is not native go window at 
least. The display is poor and the fonts worse. I can even center 
the window on the screen. We notice the designer for a month now 
no reply. Skinning and theming is an issue too.

I want customizable GUI toolkit like JavaFX and adobe spark 
framework in D.

I just can find any. I don't know to link D code with any GUI if 
not I would have gone with JavaFX or adobe spark

Does, it means being a good programmer does not depend on any 
language? Does it imply being comfortable in any language of 
choice and domain of interest?

Thanks for the reply

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