How add "version.txt" Version File by Command Line or by resources.res using dmd.exe

Marcone marcone at
Tue Dec 10 14:15:42 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 10 December 2019 at 07:23:00 UTC, rumbu wrote:
> On Sunday, 8 December 2019 at 20:50:05 UTC, Marcone wrote:
>> I want to add version to my program.
>> I have configurated my version file "version.txt",  but I dont 
>> know how link this file to my program. If Need spec file, 
>> please send the exemple code of spec. Or is is possible add 
>> version file by dmd command line or resources. Thank you.
> Your version.txt file is python specific, it will not work in D.
> You have 2 options:
> - create a .res file in Visual Studio and edit it by adding a 
> VERSIONINFO resource.
> - create a .rc file in any text editor adding a VERSIONINFO 
> resource; compile it to .res using rc yourfile.rc
> Pass the .res file to the dmd compiler in the command line.

Can you send me the exemple code of VERSIONINFO in Dlang?

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