Mix struct types in the same array

tirithen tirithen at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 22:00:20 UTC 2019

I want to have a array/list/queue of instances of various struct 
types that represent events. How can I achieve that? With classes 
I would have interfaces I guess, but I want to use structs if 
possible as they seem less complex (and faster?).

Can I wrap each struct with in another struct called something 
like Entry that in turn can contain the event struct some how, or 
will that just move the problem?

	import std.stdio;

	struct User {
		string username;
		string email;
		string unverifiedEmail;
		string password;

	struct UserCreate {
		string username;
		string email;

		void applyTo(ref User user) {
			user.username = this.username;
			user.unverifiedEmail = this.email;

	struct UserChangePassword {
		string password;

		void applyTo(ref User user) {
			user.password = this.password;

	// Not usable for structs
	interface Event {
		void applyTo(T)(ref T entity);

	void main() {
		// How can I create an array with mixed structs?
		Event[] events;

		events ~= UserCreate("hej", "hej at example.com");
		events ~= UserChangePassword("hased1234");

		User user;
		foreach (event; events) {


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