All these errors running basic Pegged helloworld example.

Enjoys Math enjoysmath at
Fri Jan 11 17:35:40 UTC 2019

On Sunday, 27 September 2015 at 07:16:51 UTC, BBasile wrote:
> On Sunday, 27 September 2015 at 06:30:37 UTC, Enjoys Math wrote:
>> The example is:
>> import pegged.grammar;
>> mixin(grammar(`
>> Arithmetic:
>>     Term     < Factor (Add / Sub)*
>>     Add      < "+" Factor
>>     Sub      < "-" Factor
>>     Factor   < Primary (Mul / Div)*
>>     Mul      < "*" Primary
>>     Div      < "/" Primary
>>     Primary  < Parens / Neg / Pos / Number / Variable
>>     Parens   < "(" Term ")"
>>     Neg      < "-" Primary
>>     Pos      < "+" Primary
>>     Number   < ~([0-9]+)
>>     Variable <- identifier
>> `));
>> I'm using Visual D and have C:\MyProjects\D\Pegged (the git 
>> clone of pegged) added to the add'l imports field under 
>> project properties > compiler.
>> I'm getting errors like these:
>> Error	1	Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
>> _D6pegged7dynamic7grammar7grammarFAyaHAyaDFS6pegged3peg9ParseTreeZS6pegged3peg9ParseTreeZS6pegged7dynamic7grammar14DynamicGrammar (pegged.dynamic.grammar.DynamicGrammar pegged.dynamic.grammar.grammar(immutable(char)[], pegged.peg.ParseTree delegate(pegged.peg.ParseTree)[immutable(char)[]]))	C:\MyProjects\D\PeggedPractice\	
>> Error	2	Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
>> _D6pegged7dynamic7grammar12__ModuleInfoZ	C:\MyProjects\D\PeggedPractice\	
>> The # of errors was greatly reduced when I added the 3 pegged 
>> source files to my project.   What can be going wrong?  Thanks!
> You must also pass the source root with -I:
> -IC:\MyProjects\D\Pegged
> (and maybe you miss another source since there are 5:
>     '..\repos\Pegged\pegged\grammar.d'
>     '..\repos\Pegged\pegged\parser.d'
>     '..\repos\Pegged\pegged\peg.d'
>     '..\repos\Pegged\pegged\dynamic\grammar.d'
>     '..\repos\Pegged\pegged\dynamic\peg.d'
> )
> By the way with Coedit you wouldn't have this kind of problems 
> (Pegged is part of metaD). You can even run some test on Pegged 
> without saving the file / without a project (this is called a 
> runnable module). This is just what I've done.
> At least compile pegged as a static lib, then it's simpler, you 
> just have to pass the -I<root> pegged.lib and your custom 
> sources files.

Thanks, I downloaded Coedit, but it's not working with pegged 
(using the library manager dub button)

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