How to use lowerBound and upperBound effectively?

A. Bressan invalid at nospam.donotuse
Tue Jul 2 09:27:52 UTC 2019

Hi, I am translating the following C++ code to D and I have some 
trouble to achieve it using ranges.

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

typedef std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter;
std::pair<iter,iter> getSubVector(iter beg, iter end, int val, 
int shift)
return {std::upper_bound(beg,end,val)-shift,end};

My best result is the following convoluted code, is there a 
better way?

auto getSubVector(T)(const ref T vec, int val, int shift)
if (isInstanceOf!(SortedRange, T))
return vec[begin..$];

The difficulty I have is that, contrary to C++, lowerBound and 
upperBound give the same piece of information because they return 
complementary sub-ranges.
To get the elements that are equal to val outside of the 
upperBound I need to reverse the range.

I tried to use lowerBound on a range sorted by "a<=b", but it 
triggers an error that does not seem to be relevant to binary 
search strategies:

std/algorithm/sorting.d(178): Predicate for isSorted is not 
antisymmetric. Both pred(a, b) and pred(b, a) are true for 
certain values.

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