OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : OUT

Boris Carvajal boris2.9 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 11:20:49 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 16 July 2019 at 09:07:03 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
> This works for the reduced test program but not for my whole 
> project. If you wouldn't mind trying it:
>> git clone https://github.com/zorael/kameloso.git && cd 
>> kameloso && dub test
> (Windows 10, dmd 2.087 with your sed substitution)
> I'll try dustmiting it later tonight.

The debugger exposes a crash in memchr from C runtime.

In file messaging.d line 216 called from the unittest just below

> if (emoteTarget.beginsWithOneOf(state.client.server.chantypes))

chantypes.ptr is null. However chantypes.length is 1 so you are 
assigning something invalid to it.

> grep -nr "chantypes = " kameloso/

shows this place as something to care about
kameloso/source/kameloso/irc/parsing.d:1983:   chantypes = value;

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