Strange closure behaviour

Emmanuelle VuLXn6DBW at
Sat Jun 15 00:24:52 UTC 2019

Take a look at this code:

import std.stdio;

void main()
     alias Func = void delegate(int);

     int[][] nums = new int[][5];
     Func[] funcs;
     foreach (x; 0 .. 5) {
         funcs ~= (int i) { nums[x] ~= i; };

     foreach (i, func; funcs) {
         func(cast(int) i);



The output is:

[[], [], [], [], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]]

Personally, this makes no sense to me. This is the result I was 

[[0], [1], [2], [3], [4]]

Why is it "locking" the bound `x` to the last element? It seems 
like the compiler is overwriting the closure for `x`, somehow. 
So, I'm wondering why D is doing that. Is it a compiler bug? Or 
is this the expected behaviour?

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