How to prepare and generate a simple lightweight binary?

BoQsc vaidas.boqsc at
Tue Jun 25 13:13:34 UTC 2019

There are lots of talks on this forum about Statical linking, 
Dynamic linking.
There are even shouts: "use the ldc compiler instead, it can do 
all that and even more than the default dmd compiler!!!" and 
bunch of compiler flags, no instructions on how to start or even 
steps on how to reproduce a simple program that wouldn't weight 

I would like receive all the steps in this thread, with all the 
obvious download links and little commenting - the walkthrough.

What I would expect: A simple executable program that does a 
writeln and do not weight tons of megabytes. Thanks.

(1 ton of megabyte == 1 megabyte == 1MB)

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