Concatenating compile time sequences

Victor Porton porton at
Sat Mar 2 02:16:22 UTC 2019

I try to split a compile time sequence of types and names into a 
sequence consisting of two-element subsequences (each of type and 

That is, I want to transform:

(int, "x", float, "y", double, "z")


(AliasSeq!(int, "x"), AliasSeq!(float, "y"), AliasSeq!(double, 

I am trying like this:

private alias enum processFields() = AliasSeq!();

private alias enum processFields(T, name, Fields...) =
     AliasSeq!(AliasSeq!(T, name), processFields!(Fields));

But the above would (as I understand) make AliasSeq! returned by 
the recursively called processFields an element of the parent 
sequence rather than its tail subsequence as it should.

Please help to fix the above code. I want namely a recursive 
implementation like the above, because I am going to generalize 
it for some more complex cases.

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