[windows] Can't delete a closed file?
Machine Code
jckj33 at gmail.com
Fri May 10 19:10:05 UTC 2019
On Thursday, 9 May 2019 at 10:09:23 UTC, Cym13 wrote:
> Hi,
> this is likely not related to D itself but hopefully someone
> can help me with this since I'm rather new to windows
> programming, I mainly work on linux. I'm trying to bundle a DLL
> in a binary, write it in a temp folder, use it and remove the
> dangling file.
> So far I have the following file:
> import std;
> void main(string[] args) {
> import core.runtime;
> static immutable libcurl = import("libcurl.dll");
> import std.file: write;
> auto libpath = tempDir.buildPath("libcurl.dll");
> libpath.write(libcurl);
> auto libcurlMem = rt_loadLibrary(libpath.toStringz);
> import std.net.curl;
> "https://dlang.org/".byLine.count.writeln;
> rt_unloadLibrary(libcurlMem);
> remove(libpath);
> }
> Compiled with: dmd.exe -Jlibdir test.d
> It almost work, I can write, load and use the library, but when
> it comes to
> removing it nothing works.
> std.file.FileException at std\file.d(1045):
> C:\users\cym13\Temp\libcurl.dll: Access denied.
> ----------------
> 0x00402377 in EntryPoint
> 0x00413BC7 in EntryPoint
> 0x00413B49 in EntryPoint
> 0x004139E3 in EntryPoint
> 0x0040B77F in EntryPoint
> 0x7B4754C2 in call_process_entry
> 0x7B477FC6 in ExitProcess
> 0x7B4754CE in call_process_entry
> I tried using an explicit File handle to explicitely close the
> file after
> writing to it but that doesn't change anything.
> I'm pretty sure I'm missing something basic about the way
> windows handles
> open files but I don't know what, could someone explain why
> this doesn't work
> the way I expect it to?
Well, I've had similar issue. The error message says "access
denied" which I believe refers to the tmp directory; i.e, the
user that is running your executable has no permissions to delete
that file. To be honest, I find all the permissions issues on
Windows a pain the pass so I did a simple tmp files manager. My
application create a tmp folder in same folder as in the
executable's directory then delete it when the application
I also did write my own function to geneate a random string meant
to be used as tmp filename.
To delete the file, it might be finishing something and the OS
may hold it for some while; so try to delete the file a couple of
times, with some interval between the attemps, I do something
like this:
void deleteFile(string filename)
import std.file : remove, FileException;
enum int nAttempts = 5;
enum int interval = 200; // value in ms
int n = nAttempts;
// the file may be temporary busy or something, so we try
again after a while, few times.
} while(n --> 0);
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