A question about postblit constructor

Ferhat Kurtulmuş aferust at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 10:57:44 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 6 November 2019 at 09:19:04 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> DIP: 
> https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/blob/master/DIPs/accepted/DIP1018.md
> It looks like the release that added copy constructors to the 
> compiler was 2.086 back in May:
> https://dlang.org/changelog/2.086.0.html 
> https://dlang.org/changelog/2.086.0.html#copy_constructor

I've been playing around with d for less than a year. I didn't 
know that copy ctors were included in the language until checking 
the docs for postblit ctors (It is a relatively new thing, so I 
just missed it). Sorry, I keep picking my words wrongly. By 
saying "less confusing" for copy ctors, I meant more readable 
code for me (a newbie) in terms of syntax. This piece of code was 
confusing for me (from Ali's book: this(this){grades = 
grades.dup;}). Postblit ctor has a special scope. With the help 
of this thread, I understood postblit ctors. Thank you.

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