Translating Java into D

Alexandru Ermicioi alexandru.ermicioi at
Sat Nov 16 09:59:19 UTC 2019

On Friday, 15 November 2019 at 03:29:16 UTC, Heromyth wrote:
> On Thursday, 14 November 2019 at 19:50:22 UTC, NonNull wrote:
>> Greetings, Java seems to be almost a subset of D in various 
>> ways.
> No, it's not exactly right. Java is more powerful than D as for 
> a language. Many things that Java can do can't be done by D. 
> For example, reflection, full meta info for a type  in runtime, 
> type deduction for a template, template member override.
> See:
>> Has there been any work done to automatically translate Java 
>> source into D?
> We ported some projects in Java by hand.

Regarding template member override. Generics in java are mainly 
compile time thing that boils down to auto generated casts when 
working with generic types (in bytecode), and therefore a 
templated method in java is actually a standard method that just 
works with Object class under the hood, hence it is possible to 
override in implementor of interface/class. It can be done in D 
too you'll just need to strip out generics part in method 
declaration and just use casts from root Object for worst case.

Also what do you mean by "type deduction for a template"?

Best regards,

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